Face Lift

Facelifts are a surgically method to tighten lose skin and wrinkles in the facial area in order gain a fresher, younger appearance.

In general there are 3 different main types of Facelifts; alongside many different methods; which may be combined in reference to the patients’ needs and/or expectations. The 3 main types of facelifts are: the "Upper Facelift," the "Mid Facelift" and the "Lower Facelift".

In general the "Upper Facelift" includes the area above the eyes; so primarily from the eyebrow line to the forehead.

A "Mid Facelift" concentrates on the area from the corners of the eyes to the corners of the mouth which includes nose, cheeks and the area above the upper lip.

The "Lower Facelift" includes everything below the corners of your mouth. This includes the laugh wrinkles (nasolabial folds) and the jaw line.

Meanwhile a “Facelift” in general addresses both: a "Mid Facelift" and a "Lower Facelift". The "Upper Facelift" is usually evaluated as a separate procedure than.

The consultation is the first and important step in order to clearly communicate the expectations to the surgeon. This helps the surgeon to determine which Facelift type is necessary inform you about may any additional needs and about the result to be expected.

Accordingly to the surgery type performed the post-operational process including recovery and expectable operative consequences varies as well as the process may show differences in general and/or detail from patient to patient. The general recovery for most people of good health and expectable operative consequences are listed as follows. Please notice that the general recovery and/or expectable operative consequences are not limited to the mentioned below.

Mild to moderate pain; drainage from the incisions; swelling; bruising and numbness.

Noticeable swelling reduces within the first post-operative 10 days, where for a faster decrease of swellings cooling is applicable. The average of patients is able to return to their job and daily routine typically 2 weeks post-operative.

The final result is to be expected usually 6 to 8 month post-operative.

You should schedule at least 9 days starting from the day of surgery before returning to your home country. Depending on if these types are combined or not and on the general health condition prior as well as after the surgery a 1 night overstay at the hospital may be required.

We would appreciate to inform you at TALYA MEDICAL CENTER about more details of a treatment.

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