Rhinoplasty - Nose Job

A Rhinoplasty, also called Nose-Job, is a surgically modification of the nose in size and/or shape or; when necessary; for medical reasons even in function.

It is an outpatient surgery type which is normally performed under general anaesthesia. Depending on the condition of the patient a 1 night overstay at the hospital is may required.

The consultation is the first and important step in order to have the best result. Expectation should be clearly communicated so that the surgeon is able to evaluate them and inform you about the result to be expected.

While pointing out that the process of healing is different for each patient notice the following general information: After a rhinoplasty patients usually wear a nasal splint for the first 5 to 7 days. Swellings are expectable and bruising around the eyes may appear. These things will begin to improve approximately with the third day post-operational, but may last up to two weeks. After a complete healing the final shape of your nose will appear.

You should schedule at least 9 days starting from the day of surgery before returning to your home country.

We would appreciate to inform you at TALYA MEDICAL CENTER about more details of a treatment.

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